Thursday, September 24, 2009

childs interpertation of the layers of the earth.

our 10 year old brought this home from art class last year. i fell in love with the simplicity of the project.
they started their weavings on a piece of card board.
gathered random fibers and threads to dipict the sunset,sky,trees,shrubs,water bodies and the soil underneath.
i think it's the most marvelous piece of art ever.
a simple twig up holds the entire structure.
please mail me if you make any of these.
i would love to see your versions.

1 comment:

Brenda Stratton said...

Hey Marja
You are right...that is fantastic! I might steal that idea for my Grade Five classes. Nice embossing too. I will write more in December when I get a chance to breath. Thanks for always reading my Blog. xxxb