Tuesday, September 29, 2009

magic medallions

.......another artsy moment.
zoom in to actually see some of the attitude on the card.
.......remember embossing powder??
.......i am sure we all have aprox. fifteen different shades hiding in a drawer somewhere.

.......it was a bit of a fad when you first started but soon lost it's luster when new products elbowed their way into the scrapping world...... well,this is an old technique but a fabulous one to drag out every couple of years.
..use a piece of paper bigger than the size of your image.
..ink it up with any colour of ink. it's okay to miss areas to give it a more natural look..
..spread embossing powder over the inked areas.
..heat embossing powder and paper until it all melts.
..do this three or four times depending on thickness desired.
..quickly push your stamp into the molten embossing powder.
..leave it there for 30 seconds. remove from embossing powder.
and "Voila" you have a medalion.
..trim excess of or use excess space to stich it to a funky background.

..the medallion on the left took at least 4 layers of embossing powder.
..medallion on the right was done with two layers of utee (thick embossing powder)
.silver and copper was mixed to create that lovely blend.
..your imagination is the only thing that limits you from here on in.

...other products used.
paper ribbon, martha ribbon (fabric),magic medalion,chalk,bling things.
have a fabby day.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

childs interpertation of the layers of the earth.

our 10 year old brought this home from art class last year. i fell in love with the simplicity of the project.
they started their weavings on a piece of card board.
gathered random fibers and threads to dipict the sunset,sky,trees,shrubs,water bodies and the soil underneath.
i think it's the most marvelous piece of art ever.
a simple twig up holds the entire structure.
please mail me if you make any of these.
i would love to see your versions.

Rainy day happiness.

this cutie patootie needed something else. so i gave her some grass and rocks.
stamps are wonderful things but they are often far too plain.
a bond needs to be created with the image to tell the story,be it with drawings or material.
nestabilities were also used to create the card and other bits. and although the curves would not be my first choice,they are still quite pretty albeigh extremely cutsey and restrained.
i try to leave my "box" occasionally,by choosing less favored materials. personal choice would have been a rough and more natural edge.
another warm day is anticipated here in cowtown. it reached 33 degrees celcius here yesterday. forecast is for a serious decline in temperature for the weekend. it would not surprize me if we have snow by next tuesday. enjoy the day!!!